Thursday, February 27, 2003

That’s not it, Register Editorial Board

Today’s Register ran an editorial criticizing President Bush for using tax cuts to stimulate the economy entitled: That’s not it, Mr. President. The piece is short, smug, pro taxes, emotionally over charged… everything I love in a Register Edtorial.

On Monday, a survey by Manpower Inc. revealed employers are scaling back plans to hire workers. On Tuesday, the news was that investors withdrew $1 billion from stock funds last month. On Wednesday, consumer confidence was reported to have sunk to its lowest level in about a decade.

Did you get that? That’s three, count ‘em, three days of bad economic news. Where do we lay the blame? Of course… at the feet of George W. Bush. You know, when there are indications of good economic news (like the unexpected decrease in unemployment last month), the Register doesn’t praise President Bush.

Let’s ignore the fact that unemployment is still at historically low levels. Productivity is at record high levels. Inflation is certainly not a factor (except for a recent bump in oil prices…), deflation (predicted by left leaning doomsayers like Paul Krugman), hasn’t materialized. If Clinton or another Democrat were in the White House, and the economic indicators were identical, I suspect that the Register’s editorial stance would be just a bit different.

People are apparently afraid for the future - hardly an attitude that's going to get the economy going again.

Yes… because there is an overdue war still on the back burner due to our ongoing wooing of the UN… a position that you Editorial Board Members of the Register still continue to support.

The public is jittery in large part due to the looming war with Iraq.

Ya think? This is the in depth insight I’ve come to expect from the Register Editorial Page.

No one is comfortable making plans for the future when it feels as though the whole world is hanging in the balance.

Oh no… the “WHOLE WORLD” is hanging in the balance. Whoa, hold on everybody! Well, at least people FEEL that way. “Feelings, nothing more than feelings…”

Troops are being mobilized. Lives disrupted.

Oh boy… okay… Yes, reserve units are being called up. That’s what happens when the U.S. prepares for armed conflict. Yes, the reservists are having their lives and their families’ lives disrupted. We should do all that we can as individuals to help the families here in Iowa who’s breadwinners are paying the price for freedom. This is what reservists DO. I have not seen a single article on an Iowa reservist who was disgruntled about being called up. What I do see is the Register incessantly running “human interest” stories highlighting the disruption… the implication being that the coming war is not worth it.

Major nations disgruntled with the United States.

Heaven forefend, the Axis of Weasels is disgruntled with the U.S.! Hey, I hate to burst your bubble, but it looks at this point as if the UN Security Council resolution introduced this week may just pass. Russia appears not willing to veto it. We seem to have the votes. There are even indications that France is rethinking its threatened veto. Come on people, France, Germany and that French hand puppet, Belgium are opposing this war for their own national self interests. The liberation of Iraq is coming… and the sooner the better so we can get the economy off the fence and moving again.

And President Bush continues to push tax cuts as the answer.

Tax cuts ARE the only answer for government stimulation of the economy. Goosing the economy with government contracts and programs is simply robbing Peter to pay Paul. We either have to borrow the money (and place the burden on our descendents), or impose more taxes on the very companies and individuals who drive our economy in the first place.

We should radically cut taxes AND reduce federal spending.

He doesn't get it.

With this I agree, but presumably not for the reasons the Register Editorial Board would cite. The first 20 minutes of last month’s State of the Union Address was a cavalcade of new domestic programs. Problem -- program. Problem -- program. Problem -- program. Bush sounded more like Clinton than someone who ran on a platform of reducing the size of government. Stop, stop… this is for another piece…

What would the Register’s Editorial Board have us do? Should we have our troops stand down, go home and call off the liberation of Iraq. No. The quickest way to turn around consumer confidence and get the economy going is to get on with it. A short war, followed by a sustained, committed effort to assist the Iraqi people rebuild their society into a free, progressive and democratic nation (as we did in Japan and Germany after WWII), is the right thing to do for ourselves, the Iraqis and the world as a whole.


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