Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Warm Soothing Fuzzy of an Arch-Martriarch

From an online debate between "The Battle of the Kates". Kate Michelman, former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America and author of "With Liberty And Justice for All: A Life Spent Protecting the Right to Choose," and Kate O'Beirne, former vice president of the Heritage Foundation and author of "Women Who Make the World Worse"

Question from Rockville Centre, N.Y.: With more women enrolled in 4-year colleges and universities than men these days in the United States. Do you believe that its is time that the education system began addressing this imbalance to increase male enrollment in higher learning?

Kate Michelman: We just need to inspire more men to learn!
What a dismissive, patronizing bitch. But as they say, "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like some guy's head".


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