Thursday, July 07, 2005

Mourning Becomes Diane

Saw snippets of Primeitme Live's very special coverage of the London Islamo-Fascist terrorist bombings this evening. The take-home message...? Be really, really sad.

Lots of sad music. Diane Sawyer sighing her way through the program. Man, she was the perfect picture of the grieving mature spokesmodel.

Saw the Ambassador to Kenya who survived the 1998 embassy bombing say how terrorism changes your life forever. You'll never be the same. Now she's helping other victims deal with their fear and... sadness.

Saw Diane henpecking Gov. Pataki - kind of like a wife grilling her milquetoast husband about his nere do well drinking buddies - asking something like "How can you guarantee that the Subways are safe? How can anyone every ride the subway and not be scared... and sad. Sigh..." She was confrontive... but sensitive... not to mention really, really sad.

Now people, don't get mad, okay? Wouldn't want that now. Stay calm. Be passive. Turn inward. Be sad. People are dead, blown up and all and it's sad.

Like, how will we ever go on? I mean people... it's scary and really, really sad when this kind of stuff happens.
And this kind of coverage is just. what. the. bastards. want.

Update: And Scary... did I mention scary?

Another Update: From Daniel Henniger's 7/8 Wonderland Column:
For bin Laden and al-Zarqawi, the relatively small bombs they set off in Iraq or London are a second-grade weapon. Their large-bore weapons in the terror war are modern electronic news technology and, ironically, open democratic societies.
Thanks again Diane.


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